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The Resource Master screen represents all the Resources in the factory. These would include machines, tools and labour. Each Resource contains a Resource Type definition that categorizes the type of resource. Different types of resources are

Simple Resource

These resources are individual resource, which processes one item at a time. Its capacity is determined by the total working time of the factory. The time to convert an item is usually represented in terms of production rate.

Batch Resource

These resources are individual resource, which processes more than one item at a time. Its capacity is determined by the total working time of the factory as well as the resource size. The time to convert an item is represented in terms of the fixed rate. The best example of a batch resource is an oven to make cookies. This is represented by a capacity of say 100 cookies and a fixed run time of say 1 hour. So whether the resource is loaded with 10 cookies or 100 cookies, the time taken to finish will be constant at 1 hour.


Aggregate Resource

Simple resources with the same attributes can be aggregated into one aggregate resource. This aggregate resource then can be attached to an operation. The unit time or run time of aggregate resources is the unit time of simple resources divided by the number of resources. This takes into the assumption that the time taken to complete an operation by two resources will be half the time taken by one resource after aggregating. It assumes that the order can be run parallel on all the sub-resource and hence reduces the cycle time. The capacity of the aggregate resource is determined by the total working time of its sub-resource divided by the number of sub resources. The important point to be noted is that only simple resources can be aggregated. Suppose we have the following information

  • Aggregate resource contains six simple resource

  • Production rate is 30 per hour

  • Order size is 600 units

  • Available time of individual six simple resources is 10 hours

  • Time taken to complete the order will be 600 / (30 * 6) = 3.33 hours

  • Capacity of aggreage resource is 10 * 6 / 6 = 10 hours


Pooled Resource

A pooled resource represents a group of resources where one or more of the group can be assigned to the same task. The pooled resource is then attached to an operation with the number of resources that can carry out the operation. The unit time or run time of pooled resources is the same as the unit time of simple resources. The capacity of the pooled resource is determined by the total working time of its sub-resource. An important point to be noted is that only simple resources can be pooled. Suppose we have the following information

  • Pooled resource contains six simple resource

  • Production rate is 30 per hour

  • Order size is 600 units

  • Out of six resources, the number of resources that can carry out the operation at a time is 2

  • Available time of individual six simple resources is 10 hours

  • Time taken to complete the order will be 600/30 = 20 hours

  • Capacity of pooled resource is 10 * 6 = 60 hours

  • Since only two resources can out of the operation, the actual available capacity is 10 * 2 = 20 hours


Sub Contract Resource

Subcontract resources are used to model scenarios where the item is sent outside the factory to carry out the operation. Its capacity is determined in terms of quantity instead of time as with other types of resources. The time to convert an item is represented in terms of the fixed rate.

Field Description
ResourceId Name of the resource
ResourceDesc Description of the resource
ResourceType Type of resource whether it is Simple, Aggregate, Pooled, Batch, SubContract
NoOfResources This is the number of resources if the resource is pooled.
SDSTime Whether the resource has sequence dependent set-up time or not. This is used for automated scheduling. Possible values are True and False
LoadCapacity This is the total capacity in units and is specified if the resource is Sub Contract. If Sub Contract resource has the capacity to make 1000 units per day, then 1000 is specified here and Days is specified in LoadCapacityUom
LoadCapacityUom Measure of load capacity whether it is in days, weeks or months.
ResourceCapacity This can be used to set up a resource having infinite capacity.
Schedule Priority This is used when Scheduling Strategy is Bucket Based. In Bucket Based scheduling critical resources are scheduled first and not the resource with the lowest op sequence, which sometimes could lead to an infeasible schedule. Schedule priority should be based on the operation sequence of routing.
SubResourceShift This is a value in terms of time. This is used to calculate the total number of simple resources belonging to an aggregate resource to be used for a work order.
SubResourceShiftUom The unit of measure for Sub Resource Shift.
ConsiderLocationCalendar If the value is set as ‘False’ then that particular Resource will not use Location Calendar instead it will refer to Resource Calendar.
ConsiderCalendar If the value is set as ‘False’ then that particular Resource will not consider the defined Calendar instead it will consider it as 24 hours available.
Interruptible This indicates if Operations loaded on a particular Resource can be split and loaded on both primary and alternate resources. If true, Operations can be split and if false, Operations cannot be split.
FillGaps Time gaps may be created during the scheduling of work orders. For instance, one work order W1 could be scheduled from 1 pm to 3 pm and another work order W2 could be scheduled from 7 pm to 10 pm. So there is a gap between 3 pm to 7 pm. This is used to decide if another work order W3 can be scheduled within the gap of these two work orders (W1 and W2) or if it should be scheduled after W2. Possible values are True or False. By default, the value is True.
ResourceGroup Grouping of resources can be done so that it can be used as a filter for the selection of resources in reports and interactive scheduler.
MaxChangeoverGapHrs This is used in BucketBased Scheduling. This is used to decide how much of a wait is allowed for pulling similar items so that setup is not incurred. Suppose a work order W1 is scheduled from 1 pm to 3 pm and another work order W2 with the same setup is available only from 7 pm, then should we schedule this work order W2 at 7 pm and create the gap or schedule some other work order W3 which is available at 3 pm and incur a setup. In this example, if the value is 2, then W3 will be scheduled as we cannot wait for W2 till 7 pm since the wait time could be 4 hours which is more than 2. If the value is 10, then W2 could be scheduled as a wait time of 4 hours is more than 10.
FillGapLimitInDays This column needs to be filled only if FillGaps is specified as True. If the value is 2, then another work order will be scheduled between two work orders only if the gap is more than 2 days. If the gap is less than 2 days, then another work order will not be scheduled between two work orders. The more the value, the more we will lose capacity.



  • Resource should be unique

If the Resource Type is Aggregate or Pooled, then its sub-resources have to be defined. This is done by right click on the Resource and selecting the option Aggregate Resource.


Select the sub-resource and attach it to the aggregate resource. Only those resources will be shown in sub-resource where the resource type is Simple and only those resources will be shown in aggregate resource where the resource type is Pooled or Aggregate



  • Sub Resource and Aggregate Resource combination should be unique