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Data Measures

What are Data Measures in Replenishment Plan?

· There are 18 predefined Data Measures and 3 custom Data Measures the user can insert values and it will be displayed in Replenishment Plan.


· Beginning On Hand: Inventory available for the selected Item -Location.

· Forecast: Net Forecasted Quantity minus Dispatch Quantity for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Original Forecast: Forecasted Quantity for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket. We can specify the Forecast data Measure in the Replenishment Parameters screen. Also, we can map the Forecast location in the Forecast Replenishment Location Mapping screen.

· Dependent Demand: This is the demand of supply location (aggregated Planned Orders of demand locations).

· Dependent Forecast: Forecast at supply location (aggregated Forecast from Demand Locations).

· Customer Orders: Customer Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Un-forecasted Orders: Un-forecasted Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Total Demand: Forecast or Customer Orders whichever quantity is higher and dependent demand at supply location for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Production Orders: Production Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· In-transit Orders: In-transit Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Purchase Orders: Purchase Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket.

· Firm Planned Orders: Firm Planned Orders for the selected Item -Location for the particular bucket. This can be editable and we will recalculate the Replenishment based on the edited values.

· Dispatches: Dispatches that need to be considered. This will be considered only for the first bucket.

· Planned Orders: Order needs to be generated based on the parameters for the selected Item-Location for the particular bucket.

· Min Cover: Min cover specified in the Item Location screen.

· Max Cover: Max cover specified in the Item Location screen. If we specified this, this will consider for generating Planned Orders.

· Stock Cover: How many future buckets of Demand can be fulfilled by the Ending on Hand quantity.

· Ending on Hand: Ending inventory quantity after fulfilling total demand and Min cover.

· Revised Beginning on Hand: Inventory available for the selected Item -Location.

· Revised Planned Orders: The supply from the Supply location to demand locations to fulfil the demand (Planned Orders).

· Revised Ending on Hand: Considering the Revised Beginning On-Hand and Revised Planned Orders, how much Inventory is available after fulfilling the Demand.

Customize Data Measures

The Screen helps the user to define the Graph Type, Display Order and Set if graphs have to show by Default. Users can also change some Custom styles for the different Data Measures.