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Forecast Accuracy

Forecast Accuracy

· User will be able to check the Forecast Accuracy by comparing the Actual Sales and the Forecast for the particular product and region.

· Accuracy will be shown as a percentage of similarity between the Actual Sales and Forecast.

Step 1: Define Accuracy

· User has to select the Data Measures for which accuracy will be generated.

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Data Measures.

· ‘Consider for Accuracy Calculation’ column will have two dropdowns. Set it to be ‘True’ for particular Data Measure for which the user want to see Accuracy in Forecast Plan. Save it.


· Generate Forecast Accuracy in Work Flow.

· Go to Menu bar --> File --> Work Flow.

· Select ‘Generate Forecast Accuracy’ and Run it.


Step 2: View Accuracy in Forecast Plan

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Forecast Plan.

· Select a combination of Product and Region. Click on the Demand Accuracy tab.

· User can select the Data Measures.


· Accuracy will be shown for the selected Product and Region.

· If Actual Sales and Forecast is the same, the Accuracy will be 100.

· If the Actual Sale is 100 and Forecast is 98, then the Accuracy will be 98.
