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Demand Forecasting


Forecast Parameters

Forecast Parameters are the specifications that have a significant effect on the Forecast Plan. The user can give Specify Parameters and they are applied to all the Masters.

Product Hierarchy

A Product Hierarchy is a method of classifying the products of the company in a logical structure. The user can Specify the Hierarchy of the Products on this Page in a Logical Manner.

Region Hierarchy

Region Hierarchy is a method of classifying the regions to be served in a logical structure. The user can Specify the Hierarchy of the Regions on this Page in a Logical Manner.

UOM Master and Conversion Factors

UOM Master helps the user to define the UOM of the Products along with the decimal places. On this Page, The user can Define Different Unit Of Measure and also the Conversion Factors between the Different Unit Of Measure.

Data Measures Master

Data Measure Master is the table that enables the user to make changes that get reflected in the Forecast Plan. The Screen gives the User ample Options to Make Changes like Editable Data, Graph Type, Forecast Accuracy, DataMeasureGroupping etc.

Product Region Parameters

This screen helps the user to establish the relation between Product-Region-Data Measures. On this page, The user will be able to Map the Combination of Products and Regions to a Data Measure. The forecast will be Generated at Product-Region-DataMeasure Combination Level for the Given DataMeasure.


Classification is a kind of filtration used in the Forecast Plan Screen. Here on this Page User will be able to Make Changes in the Tree Structure of the Product and Region. Once the Classifications are defined, Forecast Plan can be displayed according to the Classification.


Defining the Attributes and Adding them to the Forecast Plan Screen. Predefined Attributes will be Selected in the Forecast Plan Screen to Make Changes in the Product-Region Tree Structure.

Attach Rates

Sometimes a Complimentary Product is given with the Primary Product. Attach rate is used to generate a forecast for the complimentary product.

Super Session

Super Session Screen helps the user to display and perform different operations on a single screen. User will be provided with 2 Tabs, Product and Region. Users can make specific changes like View, Copy, Replace etc., on Products and Regions.


Defining Promotions and Implementing them on Different Products and Regions. On this page, the user will be able to Define Different Promotions like Discounts, Items or an Event in Specific Places and for Specific time periods.

Forecast Plan

Generate Demand Forecast

Before Going to the Forecast Plan Screen, Demand Forecast has to be Generated to Display Values in the Forecast Screen. This will be Done in the Work Flow Screen.

Forecast Plan Screen

The Screen helps the user to View the Forecast Plan for Different Products and Regions. This Screen helps the User to Display the Forecast with a Combination of Products and Regions. Also, the User can Select the Data Measures while Displaying the demand Forecast.


View Classifications

The user will be able to Define the Classification based on Cumulative Percentages and Cut-Offs. The main 2 Categories of Classification are ABC India Quality and XYZ India Quality.

Sales Variance

Sales Variance is used to Analyze and Understand market Behavior in a Better Way. The sales Variance Screen has a tree structure with Products and regions with respect to forecast.

View Errors

Error is calculated based on the Actual Sales and the Forecasted Demand. The higher the difference between these values, the more will be the error calculated.



An Outlier is a data point in history that diverges from other data points. An Outlier can either be overly high or overly low compared to the other data points in the time series.


Check Validation

The validation Screen helps the user to see if there are any problems associated with Modules like Forecast and Replenishment. Users can see the Source and the Problem on this Screen.

SOP (Sales and Operations Plan)

SOP(Sales And Operations)

SOP is the management process that includes an updated forecast which leads to the Forecast Plan and Replenishment Plan. The Screen helps the user to View and Edit both Forecast and Replenishment Plans in Single Screen.