Use of Advanced Work Flow
Work Flow screen helps user to Create, Configure and Run the Built-in and Custom Tasks. User can also automate the Task to Run in a particular Date and Time.
Add Tasks
User can Add the Custom Tasks in the 0 PlantId and congifure them as per the requirments. Add the Tasks in 0 PlanId and run in any other PlantId.
Add Group Task
If user wishes to Add one or more than one Taks under the Main Task. It can be done through Group Task.
Run Task Through Queue
There are many ways to Run the task. User in this Example can under about how to Run the Task Through Queue.
Configure Task Manager
User can create new Task, configure and also set time to Run the Task in Task Manager.
Run Task Automatically
If user wishes to Run the Task Automatically on a perticular date and a perticular time, the same can be configured in the Work Flow Screen.
Send Alerts
Task on Run may finish the Run successfully or it may fail due to some issues. User will be sent a Alert regarding the status of Task Run which will be configured in the Work Flow Screen.
Data Import Parameters
User can Import any data into application by Running this Task. User will be given option to Import Data of different formats like Text, Excel Sheet etc. Also user can Import specific Tables form the availabe set of Tables.
Data Export Parameters
User can Export any data into application by Running this Task. User will be given option to Export Data of different formats like Text, Excel Sheet etc. Also user can Export specific Tables form the availabe set of Tables.
Mapping the Column or Table
Mapping of the Column or Table for a perticular Task can be done in the Work Flow Screen. Set up this feature in Data Import and Data Export tasks.
Quick Import
User can Import any data quickly by Running this Task. User will be given option to Import Data of different formats like Text, Excel Sheet and CSV.
Quick Export
User can Export data quickly by Running this Task. User will be given option to Export Data of different formats like Text, Excel Sheet and CSV.
Send Mail Parameters
User can Send mail by Running this Task. Give Email template name and sql query to Run the task successfully.
Import from SQL Server
User can Import from a table in another database using SQL connection string.