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Data Import Parameters

How to Define Data Import Parameters?

· Data Import Parameters are defined for Data Import Task which is predefined.

· Right click on the Data Import Task and select Details.


· Select Data Import Parameters tab to add parameters. Click on Add flag.


· User need to specify the type of file. The file types are provided with file extension.

Import parameters for text file

· Give appropriate name for Import.

· If there are more than one Import Parameters, they will be arranged according to sequence number.

· Give file extension type as txt from the dropdown.


· Delimiter must be selected with respect to the File Extension selected.for Text(*.txt), Comma is used as common. And also other delimiters like Tab, Semicolon and Pipe used as delimiter for txt file.

· Dir Location shows the path to find the file that has to be imported into the application.

· Insert Type has three dropdowns.

  1. Append: Adds to the database incrementally. If the particular data already exists, it will not replace that data. It will throw an error stating that data is already present.

  2. Replace: Adds to the database incrementally. If the particular data already exists, then it will replace that data.

  3. Clear All: Clears all the contents in that particular table and loads the data contained in flat file or excel.


· If user wants to import only some specific Tables, then user can specify them.

· For Text(*.txt), File names are shown as Table Name.

· Click on Select button and user will be displayed with the table names.

· Add the required tables.


· Selected Tables will be displayed below the select button.

· User can set Date Format.

· Select the Affected Module. Affected Module has 3 dropdowns.

    1. Forecast.

    2. Planning and Scheduling.

    3. Replenishment.

· User can select appropriate module.

Import parameters for csv file

· User has to give the same as like as text file type


· Give file extension type as csv from the dropdown.

· Comma is used as delimiter fot csv file

· Give Dir Location, Insert Type, specific tables and affected module as mentioned in file type text

Import parameters for Excel file

· User has to give the same details as like as above mentioned


· Give file extension type as Excel from the dropdown.

· No delimiter needs to give for Excel file, because it takes Tab as delimiter.

· Give Dir Location, Insert Type, specific tables and affected module as mentioned in text file type

Import parameters for sql file

· The conditions for adding sql file is given below


· choose file extension type as sql from the dropdown.

· Delimiter is not required for this file type.

· Directory Location is required.

· Give Insert Type and specific tables.

· User must enter DSN Name, User Name, Password or use connection string in DSN field for sql file type.

· User has to specify the DB Type from the dropdown. There are three options; SQL, ORACLE, ODBC.

Import parameters for ODBC file

· There are several conditions for adding ODBC file as Import parameters


· choose file extension type as odbc from the dropdown.

· Delimiter and Dir Location are not required for this file type.

· Give Insert Type and specific tables.

· User must enter DSN Name, User Name, Password or use connection string in DSN field for ODBC file type.

· User has to specify the DB Type from the dropdown. There are three options; SQL, ORACLE, ODBC.


· Add the parameters once the fields are filled.