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Configure Task Manager

How To Configure Planvisage Task Manager/Queue?

Step 1: Create New Task.

· To configure Task Manager, go to Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> Task Scheduler.

· Task Scheduler window opens. Select Task Scheduler Library and click on Create Task.

· User can add a new task here.


· In the new window, user have to give name for the Task.

· Select General tab to give the Task Name.


· User can specify when and how many times the Task has to be Run.

· It can be specified in Triggers Tab.


· Click on Action Tab to specify the action and the Path for program.

· Select the action as ‘Start a Program’

· Path for Program: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebServerSCM\bin\ PlanvisageTaskManager.exe


Click on Conditions tab to specify some of the conditions for the Task Run.


· Click on the Setting tab to specify some of the additional settings that may affect the Task such as Run-on Demand, Stop the Task run after certain period.


Step 2: Run the Task

· Once the Task is created, user will be taken back to Task Scheduler window.

· Select the Task to be Run and click the Run button.

· User can check the Status of the task in the Task Scheduler.

· User can also make any changes related to Task in the same window.


Step 3: Enable Queuing.

· Once the Task is set to run, Open the Work Flow Screen for Planvisage Application.

· Add to Que should be set True in Work Flow.

· Run the Tasks in Work Flow using Run Button.