How to Prepare database in SQL Server and connect
Here, first we need to create a database in MS SQL server to connect to the docker container.
For that, Go to SQL server Management Studio Management Studio -> Give credetials and Connect to server
Right click on Databases -> New Database
In General page, Provide Database name and Owner. For example, here we given myDataBase and myUsername.
If you would like to create new user, check How to create new User in SQL Server.
You can provide the Owner name directly or check the name by click on the 3 dot button at the right side of the field.
- Enter the name in the field and click on Check Names. Click on Ok button.
Go to Options page in the window. There you can see the Collation field.
Select the collation SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS from the dropdown and Click on OK.
You can see the the database is created in the SQL server.
We have to use connection string to connect the database from the docker container application.
Copy the following connection string and make changes on the myDatabase, myUsername and myPassword parts according to your SQL server
Data Source=host.docker.internal;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;TrustServerCertificate=True;
Login to System Admin and go to Database screen in the docker container application. Click on the Edit button in the window
- Change the Server Type into Cloud and paste the connection string on the following field.
- Click on the Save button. After that, click on Prepare Database button in below.
It takes some time and you will get a message "Completed". Click on Upgrade Database botton.
Click on the Test Connection button and you'll get a success message.
Now you're connected to the local SQL server database in docker container application and ready to use.