Connect to Local MS SQL Server from Docker container
The docker container is running as a separate machine inside your host machine. Hence the Data Source=(local) or named server is not the same when the app runs inside the docker.
So, we need to access the SQL Server over the network then only the docker can connect to it.
Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled over the network for SQL Server in the Configuration Manager and the remote connections are also allowed to your SQL server.
Make sure the_IP Address_is 1433
- We use connection string to connect to your SQL Server. Here is an example.
Data Source=host.docker.internal;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;TrustServerCertificate=True;
Copy the connection string and make changes on the myDatabase, myUsername and myPassword parts according to your SQL server
If you want to create a new database in SQL server to connect to docker container, check on How to prepare database in SQL Server and connect to docker container
Login to System Admin and go to Database screen in the docker container application. Click on the Edit button in the window
- Change the Server Type into Cloud and paste the connection string on the following field.
Save the changes and and Upgrade the database. Click on the Test Connection button and you'll get a success message.
Now you're connected to the local SQL server database in docker container application.