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Drop Down Values

· The user can define Drop Down Values in the UDT while adding column headers.

· User can add a new column and define Drop Down Values.

· Here, add Drop Downs to the Item Type to specify if it is Manufactured, Raw Material or Imaginary.

· Go to Utilities --> User Defined Table and Click on the Edit icon beside ItemType.


· Fill the Drop-Down Values field with Manufactured and Raw Materials with a comma between them. Update it.


· We add a new column called Sellable with True/False Drop Down.


· Click on Add icon and select Grid View. Fill the fields and also Drop Downs as True, False. Add it.


View Result

· Go to User Tables --> Sample Table Name to edit the User Defined Tables.

· Click on the Edit icon and the user will be able to see drop downs under Item Type and Sellable.


· Select appropriate drop downs and save it.
