User Defined Columns

· User can add new columns to the predefined tables like ItemMaster, LocationMaster etc.

· Depending upon the requirement, the user can add multiple columns in a single table and a single column in multiple tables. In this example, we add a column in ItemMaster to include the Item Status.

Step 1: Define Column

· Go to Utilities and then to User Defined Columns to add a new column to the existing table.


· Click on Add icon to define the new column.


· Fill in the fields in the tab. Select Table Name in the drop-down to which the user wants to add the column. In this example, select ItemMaster.


· Follow the chart below to add different fields.

Table Name Name of the table for which the user-defined column is to be defined
Column Name User Name for the Column (No Spaces)
Column Description The display name that the user wants to see in the UI for the column
Column Length Length of the text column
Drop Down Values Define Drop Down values
Drop-Down Depends on Column Define the column names on which the drop-down values depend
Formula Define Formula
Column Color Define column colour. The format is front colour; back colour. Give the colour name or RGB values

· In this example, we give the Column name as Item Status and subsequent data type and length.

· Also give drop downs which will be selected while defining the column. Update it.


· User will be able to edit the column data and update it.


Step 2: View Result

· We should go to ItemMaster where we have added a new column.

· Go to Static in Menu Bar and then to Item. Click on Edit to enter values in the new column created.


· Since we have added two drop downs, ItemStatus can be selected among Ordered/Cancelled. Update it.


· The Updated ItemStatus will be seen in the ItemMaster table as shown below.
