Send Report as Alert E-mail


· Alerts can be configured and sent to the user’s email address.

· User can create their own custom alerts with the following steps.

Step 1: Define Alert

· Define report by selecting Alert in the options and Add.


· Follow the same steps for defining custom reports as in the previous examples.

· Go to Utilities in the menu bar and then to Alert E-Mail to define further data related to Alert.

· Add a new Alert to enter the data.


· The tab opens with a lot of fields to be filled by the user. Refer to the table below.


Alert Name Name of the alert. There are automatically generated based on user-defined and custom alerts
Pattern Determines when the alert should be sent.
Repeat Determines how often it needs to be sent. For instance, if the pattern is day and repeat is 2, it means alert should be sent twice every day in a gap of 12 hours.
Alert Day Applicable only if the pattern is weekly or monthly. Determines when the alert should be sent. For instance, if the pattern is week, then need to specify whether the alert should be sent on Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday and so on.
Alert Time Time when the alert should be sent
Email To Lists the email address to whom the alert should be sent
Email Cc Lists the email address for cc to whom the alert should be sent

· Fill the fields accordingly and Add.

· In the Email cc, mail addresses must be comma separated.



Step 2: E-mail configuration

Email Settings

  1. "SmtpHost" value=""

  2. "SmtpPort" value=""

  3. "EnableSSL" value="True"

  4. "Account" value= ""(Sender Email Id)

  5. "Password" value="**"

· After Updating the data, Clear Cache.

Step 3: User Authorization

· The user authorization screen helps in providing role-based security access to screens.

· Go to File --> User Authentication. Click on Role Alerts which helps to define how alerts should be displayed.


· Click on Add and Select both Alert and Mode.


· Alert is predefined and select it from the dropdown.


· Mode has to be selected according to requirement.

  1. Open - Here alert will be shown whenever the tool is opened.

  2. Interval - The here alert icon will start blinking whenever there is an alert. The frequency for checking the alert is defined in Users under the column Alert Interval.

  3. Both - Here both the above options will be enabled.



Step 4: View Report

· User can view the report in the respective mail that is defined or can view in the tool.

· Go to Menu bar --> File --> Alerts.

· If any Alerts are created in the Alert role, they will appear.