
Alert Email

Alerts can be configured and sent to users email address. There are built-in alerts which are explained in Alerts page. On top of that, users can have create their own custom alerts. Alert can be defined in DefineCustomReport screen

Alert Name Name of the alert. There are automatically generated based on user-defined and custom alert.
Pattern Determines when the alert should be sent.
Repeat Determines how often it needs to be sent. For instance, if the pattern is day and repeat is 2, it means alert should be sent twice every day in a gap of 12 hours.
Alert Day Applicable only if the pattern is weekly or monthly. Determines when the alert should be sent. For instance, if the pattern is week, then need to specify whether the alert should be sent on monday or tuesday or wednesday and so on.
Alert Time Time when the alert should be sent.
Next Alert On Automatically populated when the next alert should be sent based on pattern, repeat, alert day and alert time.
Last Alert On Automatically when the last alert was sent.
Email To Lists the email address,needs to be comma separated to whom the alert should be sent.
Email Cc Lists the email address needs to be comma separated for cc to whom the alert should be sent.


Advanced Schedule(Using Crone) : In this, using the crone format as shown below



The cron expression is made of five fields. Each Field can have Following values.

* * * * *
Minute(0-59) Hours(0-23) Day of Month(1-31) Month(1-12) Day of the Week(0-6)

Below are the few examples

Expression Description
* Every Minute
0**** Every Hour
00*** Every Day 12:00 AM
00**FRI At 12:00AM only on Friday
001** At 12:00AM Day 1 of the Month

Refer this

· Mail configurations will be taken from MailSettings

· Also make sure PlanvisageWebTaskScheduler is configured

· Go to File –> User Authorization –> User and update appropriate email id through which the mail has to be sent.


· Go to File –> User Authorization –> Role Alerts and add the report with appropriate Mode.


To know more about Mode refer to section User Authorization.