Item Group

The Item Group Master screen helps in the logical grouping of Items. The same item can span multiple groups. Items are grouped for two purposes. One is for ease of UI navigation, where items with similar properties – ex: Raw Material can be viewed together for reporting. The second is for ease of modelling. Ex: Items that are present in the same location can be grouped together in the Item Group screen, and then attached to a location as a group, instead of attaching each item individually to that location.

Field Description
ItemGroup Name of the grouping given to a set of items
GroupDesc Description of item group


The Item Group screen is divided into two halves. The top half creates the Item Group, while the bottom half attaches Items to that particular Item Group. To create an Item Group click on the Add button, and define the Item Group. Click the Save button. Right-click on the Item Group and click on Item as shown below:


All Items already defined in ItemMaster will appear in the select window. The user can select the item and click on Add> button, to add Items to that Group. Clicking on Save attaches the Items to the Item Group and commits them to the database. To remove any items from the Item Group, follow the same procedure.


Field Description
ItemGroup Name of the grouping given to a set of items
Item Item associated with the group


  • Item Group should be unique in Item Group Master

  • Item and Item Group should be unique in the Item Group Detail