BOM Diagram

The Bill of material can be viewed diagrammatically through the bom diagram. By simply dragging an item from the item master list and dropping it in the white open space, the bom diagram for the dropped item is displayed.

Viewing Bom Diagram

Bom diagram can be viewed by right click on any item and selecting the option 'Bom Diagram'.

Right click on Item A , Bom diagram on how to produce A is displayed as shown below.


To get details on any node in the bom diagram, just select the node. Information with respect to that node will be displayed at the bottom. In the screenshot below, item C is selected. So information with respect to C like consumption details, quantity per, routing details and lot sizing constraints are displayed.


In the screenshot below, routing A_Route is selected. Hence details on operation-resource for this routing are displayed.


To expand or collapse a bom for better viewing, click on any node