What is Supply Hierarchy Master?

· Supply Hierarchy used to define material flow between two locations.

· Locations present in the Replenishment are defined in the Forecast Region Master.

· Replenishment Hierarchy must be set to True for the Locations that we use in Replenishment.

· For Region Master, Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Region Hierarchy. Right click on Hierarchy Id.


· Supply Hierarchy Master.


From Item From Item.
From Location From Location.
To Item To Item.
To Location To Location.
Demand Split Percentage Split percentage if To Location is mapped to more than one From Location. Suppose BWD1 is mapped to SOUTH-WH from two different locations and if these two locations serve half of the total demand to SOUTH-WH. Then Demand Split Percentage is 50.
Lot for Lot When the requirement is generated, it will be generated as per the demand quantity and not in terms of reaching the Max Cover level.
Lead Time Lead time in Days for movement of an item between the two locations.
Qty Per Qty per conversion if there is a difference in From Item and To Item.
Product Valid From From what date replenishment should be created for To Item and To Location.
Product Valid To Till what date replenishment should be created for the To Item and To Location.
Is Final Hierarchy If this is the final node in the supply chain, then it should be defined as True.
Supply Valid From From what date, the From Item and From Location are valid.
Supply Valid To Till what date, the From Item and From Location is valid.
Supply Percentage If there are multiple sources, then in what percentage the supply needs to be split.
Supply Priority This is used for Deployment Planning when Deployment Planning Rule is Priority.

· Click on Add flag to define material flow between two different locations.


Item Location

· Replenishment Item Location Parameters can be defined in the Supply Hierarchy Master.

· Right-click on the Item or Location to Display Item Location Tab.



Item Item identifier.
Location Location identifier
Bucket Type Whether the replenishment is in daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly buckets.
Safety Demand Whether the Min Cover and Max Cover calculation for the supply location is based on Dependent Demand or Dependent Forecast.
Safety Stock Type Whether safety stock calculation is based on quantity or time. This is used while executing the task Calculate Safety Stock in Work Flow.
Safety Stock History Months Number of History buckets needs to be considered.
Customer Service Level Customer service level that needs to be considered while calculating safety stock
No of Buckets to Replenishment Number of buckets replenishment needs to be generated.
Min Lot Size Min lot size that needs to be considered while generating the requirements.
Max Lot Size Max lot size that needs to be considered while generating the requirements.
Lot Size Increment Lot size increment that needs to be considered while generating the requirements.
Order Time Number of buckets the planned order generated should move earlier.
Safety Stock Minimum safety stock that needs to be considered. Requirements will be generated if the ending on hand goes below the safety stock.
Safety Time Minimum safety time that needs to be considered while generating requirements. If Safety Stock is populated, then Safety Time will not be considered. Requirements will be generated if the ending on hand goes below the safety time.
Safety Time Percentage Percentage that needs to be applied while calculating safety stock based on safety time.
Min Safety Qty While calculating safety stock using safety time, the minimum safety stock that needs to be considered. If the safety stock goes below this minimum value, then it will be brought to this minimum.
Max Safety Qty While calculating safety stock using safety time, the maximum safety stock that needs to be considered. If the safety stock goes below this maximum value, then it will be brought to this maximum.
Max Safety Stock While generating the requirements, it will bring the stock to maximum safety time. If Safety Time is populated, then this needs to be populated.
Max Safety Time Percentage Percentage that needs to be applied while calculating maximum safety stock based on maximum safety time.
Week1 Forecast Split Number of buckets replenishment needs to be generated.
Week2 Forecast Split Number of buckets replenishment needs to be generated.
Week3 Forecast Split Number of buckets replenishment needs to be generated.
Week4 Forecast Split Number of buckets replenishment needs to be generated.
Frozen Horizon Buckets Number of buckets where no requirements will be generated.
Supply Variability
Safety Stock Type Safety Time/Safety Quantity.

Safety Stock Levels

· Retailer/ supplier has to forth see the uncertainty in the demand and should always have safety stock to fulfil the demand immediately.

· User can define Safety Stock for any combination of product and region by right clicking on it. Select Safety Stock Levels in the options.

· If safety stock policy varies with time, then this table should be used instead of Replenishment Item Location Parameters.


Item Item identifier.
Location Location identifier.
Valid From Valid from the date for applying this safety stock policy.
Valid To Valid to date for applying this safety stock policy.
Safety Stock Minimum safety stock that needs to be considered. Requirements will be generated if ending on hand goes below the safety stock.
Safety Time Minimum safety time that needs to be considered while generating requirements. If Safety Stock is populated, then Safety Time will not be considered. Requirements will be generated if the ending on hand goes below the safety time.
Safety Time Percentage Percentage that needs to be applied while calculating safety stock based on safety time.
Min Safety Qty While calculating safety stock using safety time, the minimum safety stock that needs to be considered. If the safety stock goes below this minimum value, then it will be brought to this minimum.
Max Safety Qty While calculating safety stock using safety time, the maximum safety stock that needs to be considered. If the safety stock goes below this maximum value, then it will be brought to this maximum.
Max Safety Stock While generating the requirements, it will bring the stock to the maximum value. If Safety Stock is populated, then this needs to be populated.
Max Safety Time While generating the requirements, it will bring the stock to maximum safety time. If Safety Time is populated, then this needs to be populated.
Max Safety Time Percentage Percentage that needs to be applied while calculating maximum safety stock based on maximum safety time.

New Item Mapping

· If the user wants to map an existing Item to a New Item-Location, the same can be done in this tab.


Old Item Old Item name which needs to map to New Item
Location Location where the Item needs to map
New Item New Item Name