Interactive Scheduler
After planning, work orders for the link are loaded on a bucket. This gives the date on which the work order should be released to the shop floor. But what is still not specified is the time the work order should start on that date. This is achieved by scheduling.
For example, planning could say that WO1, WO2, and WO3 should be carried out by Resource A on 15th January. These work orders are planned but not sequenced. Scheduling will say that carry out WO2 first at 8:00 am, then WO3 at 1:00 pm and last WO1 at 4:00 pm. After planning, only bucket dates are populated for all the work orders. After scheduling, both the planned start time and planned end time are populated.
The interactive scheduler displays all the scheduled tasks graphically using a Gantt chart. This screen is accessible by right click on a resource from any screen.
Adding Schedule
Scheduling can be done in multiple ways:
Provide work order, resource, planned start time and planned end time and the total quantity scheduled is automatically calculated based on run time. This is done graphically by drawing Gantt items.
Allow the tool to schedule the work order based on availability constraints.
Drawing a Gantt Item
The interactive scheduler comes up with all sales orders on the bottom left.
On click of any sales order, all the work orders that go into fulfilling this sales order are shown in the bottom middle. These work orders are at the operation-resource level. In other words, they are work order operation plans.
Select one of the work order operation plans.
Gantt Chart will show the list of resources that can carry out this operation. A list box is also fulfilled in the bottom right displaying the list of schedulable resources. Gantt chart will also show the non-working times and also existing schedules.
Draw the Gantt on the specified date-time on any of the schedulable resources. The extent to which the Gantt item is drawn, the quantity scheduled is automatically calculated and will show in the bottom right. Gantt items cannot be drawn on non-working times or if the time is already occupied by the existing schedule.
If the Gantt item violates upstream or downstream constraints, then a message will be shown.
After adding all the Gantt items, click on save. At any time, the changes can be reverted by clicking on cancel.
Alternatively, there is a button to switch the view from sales order to resource. On changing the view to resource, all the resources will be displayed. On click of any resource, all the work orders that are planned in this resource are shown in the bottom middle. These work orders are at the operation-resource level. In other words, they are work order operation plans.
If the primary resource is scheduled, then the additional resource will be automatically scheduled
Editing Schedule
Like Adding, Editing a schedule can also be done in two ways:
By changing the planned start time or planned end time, which can be done graphically by editing the Gantt item.
By changing the schedule quantity of the selected Gantt item
Editing a Gantt Item
Select a Gantt item for which the quantity has to be changed
Enter the Quantity Scheduled provided in the right bottom
Move the Gantt item within the same resource or to some other schedulable resource.
Gantt Item Options
Select any Gantt Item and Right click will pop up some options
Work Order Plan : This will open up the Work Order Plan screen with selected schedules work order as selected
Work Order Operation Plan : This will open up the Work Order Operation Plan screen with selected schedules work order details
Delete Gantt Item : A schedule can be deleted by selecting “Delete Gantt Item”.
Schedule Lock : A schedule can be locked by selecting “Schedule Lock”. If the user reschedules then also the locked work order will be scheduled in the same resource
Time Lock : A schedule Time can be locked by selecting “Time Lock”. If the user reschedules then also the locked work order will be scheduled in the same resource and same time
Cut Gantt Item : Select “Cut Gantt Item”. This will allow the user to cut the selected Gantt item and paste that into any of the schedulable resources
Split : This will allow the user to split the selected gantt item Quantity. A window will pop up to enter the split details. Give split details and click on the Split button.
- Split or Move Quantity : This will allow the user to split the selected Gantt item Quantity or Move the schedule to the same or some other schedulable resource. A window will pop up to enter the split or schedule move details as shown below. Give split details or edit Planned Start Time or the user can select the resource from the drop-down list and click on the Save button.
Highlight Entire WorkOrder : This will highlight all the schedules for selected work order in the same resource or other resources
Highlight SubSequent Operations : This will highlight the selected work order operation's subsequent operations
Highlight Previous Operations : This will highlight the selected work order operation's previous operations
Highlight Supply and Demand : This will highlight the selected workorder operation's supply and demand operations
Clear Highlight: This will clear the highlight from the Gantt area.
Schedule Quantity
There are three quantity values, which are shown on the right and below the Gantt chart.
Field | Description |
Quantity Planned | Total quantity planned for the selected work order operation plan |
Quantity Completed | Total quantity completed for the selected work order operation plan |
Quantity Scheduled | Quantity scheduled for the selected Gantt item from the Gantt chart |
Total Quantity Scheduled | Total quantity scheduled for the selected work order operation plan |
Planned Start Time | Planned Start Time of the selected work order operation plan |
Planned End Time | Planned End Time of the selected work order operation plan |
If the total quantity scheduled goes above the quantity planned, then it will show a warning.
Viewing Schedule
Creating a schedule will be easier if the user is able to see the complete view of all the resources especially the schedule of resources immediately before an operation. This can be done by clicking on the “Select Resource” button. Here the user can select the resource and then click on save. All the selected resources with their schedules will be displayed on the Gantt chart.
If the user moves the cursor over any Gantt item will display the information as shown below
Resource Options
Right click on the Resource panel will display some options as shown below
- Lock Group of Resources : If the user clicks on the Resources right click option Lock Group of Resources, it will display a window as shown below with all the selected resource lists. Users can Lock(Schedule Lock/Time Lock) or Unlock a group of resources till a specified date.
Close Gaps : If the user clicks on the Close Gaps option, it will remove the time gaps between schedules in the selected resource.
Schedule Plan : This will display the list of schedules in a data grid for the resource.
Schedule Lock : All the schedules of the selected resource will be getting locked.
Time Lock : All the scheduled times of selected resources will be getting locked.
WorkOrder Sequencing : All the scheduled work orders will be listed in a window with order changing or moving to an alternate option. The user can specify the order in which the work order needs to be scheduled by moving the work order to the top or bottom. Click on Schedule. This will reschedule the selected resource work orders and this will not consider any constraints violation.
UnSchedule All WorkOrders : All the scheduled work orders of the selected resource will be getting deleted.
Schedule All WorkOrders : All the work orders which are not scheduled, will be getting scheduled.
Resource Schedule Load : This will open the Resource Schedule Load report with the resource as selected in the resource select window.
Additional Load Info : This will display the additional information of the selected resource in a window as shown below.
Item Options
Right click on the Item panel will display the option as shown below. If the user clicks on "View all WorkOrders of this Item" will display the list of all schedules in a grid for the selected Item.
Top Panel Options
The interactive Scheduler screen top panel have some options as shown below
Search : This will allow the user to search for a particular work order/Item. While searching the WorkOrder/Item specified will be highlighted in the chart.
Zoom : The chart area can be Zoom Out or Zoom In using this option.
Date : Chart visible area start date. By default, planning day will be the start date. The user can change the visible part by changing the date in the Date option.
Move TimeLine : The chart area can move by clicking Move Right/Move Left buttons. TimeLine Moving Interval (Daily/Weekly/Monthly) can be selected from the drop down list showing.
Display : The user can select display on the Gantt item from the drop down list showing.
Trace View : User can select Item/Resource. It will display Item/Resource schedules.
Hightlight Options : The user can select the hightlight option value from the drop down list showing. This will highlight schedules in different colours based on the selection.
Attach : If the user selects this checkbox, will allow attaching schedules on the chart. It will not show any validation messages while attaching Gantt items.
Push : If the user selects this checkbox, will allow doing push schedules on the chart. It will not show any validation messages while pushing Gantt items.
Interchange : If the user selects this checkbox, will allow doing interchange schedules on the chart. It will not show any validation messages while interchanging Gantt items.
Overlap : If the user selects this checkbox, will allow doing overlap schedules on the chart. It will not show any validation messages while overlapping Gantt items.
Move WorkOrder Chain : If the user selects this checkbox, will allow moving split schedules of the selected Gantt item's operation.
WorkOrder Link : If the user selects this checkbox, will show the links between split schedules.
Consider Non Working Time : If the user deselects this checkbox, will allow to move/Add a schedule in non-working time also.
Disable Split Messages - If the user selects this checkbox, will not show any split messages while moving/adding schedules.
Descriprion : If the user selects this checkbox, Resource/Item Description will be shown in the Gantt left panel instead of Resource/Item.
Click to Lock/Unlock All Started WorkOrders - If the user clicks on this button, all the started work order schedules will be getting locked/unlocked.
Click to Predecessor On/Off : If the user clicks on this button, it will display links between all the demand and supply as shown below. To view the links, Select a sales order or work order operation plan and click on Predecessor On.
Full screen/Exit Full Screen : If the user clicks on this button, the grid panel will become hidden/displayed.
TimeLine visible Days : If the user clicks on this button, can set Time Line visible days. The application needs to be restarted for applying the changes made.
Lock Gantt Scheduler : If the user selects this checkbox, will not allow any operations on the gantt chart.
Vertical Line Pointer : If the user selects this checkbox, will display a vertical cursor line on the gantt chart.
Save Filter : The user can save the top panel settings. The filter is user-specific. User can give a filter name and click on save.
Color Coding
Task Node Style | Border Color | Border Color |
Normal WorkOrders | Dark Gray | Alice Blue |
Fixed Normal | Light Gray | FromArgb(255, 255, 234, 241) |
Normal WorkOrders UpStream | Deep Pink | AliceBlue |
Normal WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | AliceBlue |
Selected WorkOrders | Blue | LightSteelBlue |
Late WorkOrders | Red | MistyRose |
Late WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | MistyRose |
Late WorkOrders UpStream | DeepPink | MistyRose |
Infeasible WorkOrders | DarkGray | Salmon |
Infeasible WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | Salmon |
Infeasible WorkOrders UpStream | DeepPink | Salmon |
Selected WorkOrders UpStream | DeepPink | LightSteelBlue |
Selected WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | LightSteelBlue |
Time Locked WorkOrders | Gray | LightPink |
Time Locked WorkOrders | Gray | LightPink |
Time Locked WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | LightPink |
Schedule Locked WorkOrders | Gray | PowderBlue |
Schedule Locked WorkOrders UpStream | DeepPink | PowderBlue |
Schedule Locked WorkOrders DownStream | OrangeRed | PowderBlue |
Additional Resource WorkOrders | Gray | LightCyan |
Additional Resource WorkOrders UpStream | DeepPink | LightCyan |
Additional Resource DownStream | OrangeRed | LightCyan |
Supply Completed WO | Orange | MistyRose |
Supply Completed WO UpStream | DeepPink | MistyRose |
Supply Completed WO DownStream | OrangeRed | MistyRose |
Current Completed WO | DarkViolet | Violet |
Current Completed WO UpStream | DeepPink | Violet |
Current Completed WO DownStream | OrangeRed | Violet |
Other Available Capacity | DarkGray | LightGray |
Other Available Capacity DownStream | OrangeRed | LightGray |
Other Available Capacity UpStream | DeepPink | LightGray |