Deploying Planvisage SCM as a Container Application (Docker Container)

Follow the steps below to deploy the Planvisage SCM application as a container.

SCM Application Architecture

Step 1: Download and Install Docker Desktop

Download and install Docker Desktop from the provided URL:

For a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to install Docker Desktop on Windows 10/11, you can follow this link:

How to install Docker on Windows 10/11 (step by step)

Step 2: Install Planvisage SCM

  1. Extract the given .zip file .


  1. In the extracted folder, open .env file with Notepad and set the required variables, Connection String,License Key and Company Name. Save the changes.


  1. You can see a batch file named install. Run the file as administrator.


The command prompt will open and download the application files and install automatically.


Once it is complete successfully, it will show like in the image


If any error occurs while pulling image,that will be shown in the above window.

Step 4: Open the application from docker desktop

After completing the Installation, open Docker Desktop application.


In the application, click on the Containers in the left top corner.

You can see the container named PvWebApplication-1 .

To open the application, click on the Port 8081:8080 . The browser will open.


Check how to Connect to Local MS SQL Server from Docker container