How to set Application Time-out
To set the application Time-out, it should be set on Session State.
Use this link to set Session State for your application.
Step1 :
We can set the time-out as per the user requirement in the application's Web.Config file.
Open Web.Config file and go to 'forms' part.
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="~/Account/Login" timeout="120" requireSSL="true" cookieless="UseCookies" />
If this is already utilized in the config file, modify the value in the timeout and save. If not, insert this query. The timeout duration is set to 120 minutes.
Step2 :
- Open IIS (Internet Information Service) Manager and double click on the Session State of the application.
- Go down and in Cookie Settings, set Time-out as same as applied in Web.Config
- Click on Apply on the right panel