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How to Define and View Classifications?

Step 1: Define Classification

· The user can classify the products into certain groups.

· Classifications have to be defined in Classification Master before selecting in the Forecast Plan screen.

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Classification.

Class Id Class identifier.
Class Description Class description which will be displayed on the screen.
Class Type Type of classification that needs to be calculated.
Unit of Measure Unit of measure that needs to be used for this classification.
Period of Sales Period of history that needs to be considered for calculation.
Period of Forecast Period of forecast that needs to be considered for calculation.

· Click on Add icon to define a new classification.


· User can define multiple classifications and save them.


· Once the Class Id is defined, the user has to assign values for the selected Class Id.

· Cutoff percentage for each of the classifications is defined here.

· To define classification details, click the right Class Id and select Classification Detail.


ABC India Quality

· In this Class Id products are classified based on the Cumulative Percentages.

· The cut-off will be a Cumulative Percentage. For Example,

· Products with a Cumulative Percentage below 60 will be classified under Group A.

· Products with a Cumulative Percentage between 60 – 80 will be Classified under Group B.


XYZ India Quantity

· In this Class Id products are classified based on the Quantity (Zero Count).

· The cut-off will be Quantity (Zero Count). For Example,

· Products with Quantity (Zero Count) 1 or below 1, will be classified under Group X.

· Products with Quantity (Zero Count) between 1 – 5 will be classified under Group Y.


· Once the Classification is defined, the user can check the classifications in the Reports.

Step 2: View Classification

· To view Classification, go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Reports --> Classification Report.

· Click on the Classification button to Select either ACB/XYZ classification.

· ABC India Quantity displays with the Cumulative Percentage column at the last. Based on the column classification is done.


· Similarly, based on the Quantity (Zero Count), the XYZ classification is done.
