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User Defined Columns in Forecast Plan

Define User-Defied Columns and Display them in the Forecast Plan screen

· User Defined Column from Forecast Product Master and Region Master will be displayed in Forecast Plan.

Step 1: Define User Columns

· Go to Menu bar --> Utilities --> User Defined Columns.

· Click on Add flag to define new columns.


· Select the Tab Name from the dropdowns. Enter the name of the column, Data type and Data length.


· Here we define new columns in Forecast Product Master and Forecast Region Master.


· Save the tables and Clear Cache.

Step 2: Enter Values in Defined Columns

· User can add values in the defined column in Forecast Product Master and Region Master.

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Product Hierarchy.

· Right-click on the Hierarchy Id to display Product Master.

· Click on Edit Flag and add Values in the Defined column. Save it.


· Follow the same procedure to add value in the Region Master.

· Go to Menu Bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Region Hierarchy.

· Right-click on Hierarchy Id to display Region Master.

· Enter the values in the newly defined column. Save it.


Step 3: View Columns in Forecast Plan

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Forecast Plan.

· Select the combination of Product and Region from the tree structure panel.

· Select the Data Measures from the list and save them.


· User will be able to see the Forecast Plan for the given combination of the Product and Region.

· Select the Display Type ‘Data as Column to see the User-Defined Columns.


· User can now see the two newly defined columns.
