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Super Session

Super Session

· Super Session Screen helps the user to display and perform different operations on a single screen.

· Different Masters the user can view on this screen are,

  1. Forecast Product Hierarchy Master.

  2. UOM Conversion Factors.

  3. Product Region Parameters.

  4. Supply Hierarchy.

  5. Item Location Parameters.

  6. Forecast Replenishment Location Mapping.

· The Screen is divided into two tabs, Product and Region

Product Tab

· User can perform different Actions in Product Tab like,

  1. View Product: This will display the selected product details in the grid

  2. Copy Product As: This will allow the user to create a new product and copy the selected product details to the newly created product

  3. Replace Product With: This will allow the user to replace an existing product with some other existing product.

  4. Delete Product: This will allow the user to delete the selected product and its details.

  5. Copy Product History To: This will allow the user to copy From the Product's Sales History to the selected To Product History.

  6. Copy UOM: This will allow the user to copy the From Product's UOM Conversion Factors to the selected To Product.

  7. Copy Product Region Parameters: This will allow the user to copy the From Product's Product Region Parameters to the selected To Product.

View Product

· Select ‘View Product’ from the Action Dropdowns.


· To expand all masters once, click on the blue icon.


· Select the Product from the list and the user will be able to see the details of the Product in the respective Master.







Copy Product As

· User can create a copy of any product with the same data as of the original product.

· Select the Action as ‘Copy Product As’.

· From Product is the original Product Name and To Product is the Copied Product. Define the fields accordingly. Save it.


· A copy of BWD1 will be created with the name C_BWD1.

· User can view the copied product on the same screen with the ‘View Product’ Action.


Copy Product History To

· With this Action, the user will be able to copy the Product History of one Product to another Product.

· Select Action as ‘Copy Product History To’.

· Define the products in From Product and To Product fields. Save it.


· History of BWD10 will be copied to BWD2.

· The same can be checked with View Product Action.

Copy Product Region Parameters

· With this Action, the user will be able to copy the Product Region Parameters of one product to the other.

· Select the Action as ‘Copy Product Region Parameters’

· Define the products in From Product and To Product fields. Save it.


· Product Region Parameters of BWD1 will be copied to BWD10.

· The same can be checked with View Product Action.

Copy UOM

· User can copy the UOM of one product to another.

· Select the ‘Copy UOM’ action from the dropdowns.

· Define the Products in the From and To Product fields.


· UOM of BWD1 is copied to BWD3.

Delete Product

· User can delete any Product with the ‘Delete Product’ Action.


· The Product selected in the Delete Product field will be deleted.

Replace Product With

· A Product will be replaced with another product.

· Select the ‘Replace Product With’ Action in the dropdowns.

· Define the Product in From and To Product fields.


· Here, BWD12 will be replaced with BWD1.

Region Tab

· The same operations performed in Product Tab can be repeated in Region Tab.

View Region

· With Action, the user can view details of any Region in the Masters.

· Select ‘View Region’ Action and select the Region.


Copy Region As

· User can copy data of Region into another Region.

· Select Action as ‘Copy Region As’ in the dropdown.

· Define From and To Product fields. Save it.


· Here data from the CHENNAI region will be copied to the C_Chennai region.

Delete Region

· User can delete any region by selecting the ‘Delete Region’ Action.

· Select the region to be deleted and the same will be deleted.


Replace Region With

· User can replace any Region with others by selecting the ‘Replace Region With’ Action.

· Define From and to Region. Save it.


· With this action, the AMRITSAR region will be replaced with DELHI.