Relation Between Product Hierarchy and Product Master

Relation Between the Product Hierarchy and Product Master

· The relation between Product Hierarchy and Product Master is like a Parent and Child, i.e., when the user right-clicks on Hierarchy Id, the Child Hierarchy appears which is nothing but the Product Master.


· The Product Master has the list of all the products. The product Master table is specific to the Hierarchy Id.


Product Hierarchy Id Identifier of the hierarchy as defined in the table Forecast Product Hierarchy.
eProduct Id Product code or product group
Line Id Needs to be populated if the same child is mapped to multiple parents. The default value is 0.
Description Description of the product
Product Group Whether the Product Id defined is parent or child. If it is a parent, then the product group should be True.
Forecast Hierarchy Whether this product should be displayed on the Forecast screen.
Replenishment Hierarchy Whether this product should be displayed in the Replenishment screen
Valid From From validity of this product
Valid To To the validity of this product
Sort Order If specified, the product will be sorted in ascending order in Product Tree in Forecast Plan and Replenishment Plan screen.

· Further, the User can check for Child Product by Right Click on the Product Id.


· Note that the Child Products displays only for the Product with ‘Ture’ Product Group.

Product Hierarchy Id Identifier of the hierarchy as defined in the table Forecast Product Hierarchy.
Parent Product Id Parent product which could be product group, product category or sub-category
Parent Line Id Needs to be populated if the same child is mapped to multiple parents. The default value is 0.
Child Product Id Child product linked to the parent.
Child Line Id Needs to be populated if the same child is mapped to multiple parents. The default value is 0.
Split Percentage Needs to be populated for the disaggregation of the forecast. If not populated, the tool will automatically calculate based on historical sales.