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Product Region Parameters

Product Region Parameters

· The screen helps user to establish relation between Product-Region-Data Measures.


Product Id Product at which the forecast needs to be generated. This can be at any level in product hierarchy.
Region Id Region at which the forecast needs to be generated. This can be at any level in region hierarchy.
Data Measure Data measure that needs to be calculated at this product-region combination when executing Demand Forecasting task from Workflow
Disaggregate History Days Limit Number of history days needs to be considered for disaggregating the forecast generated. This parameter is applied to specific Product-Region-Data Measure combination.
Disaggregate Based on Last Year True means Disaggregation will be based on Last year history. By default, the value will be False.

· Click on Add flag and select Product Id, Region Id and Data Measure.


· Add it once the fields are filled.

· Once Data Measure is defined for a level in the hierarchy, do not define the same data measure to any product or region below that hierarchy level. For Example, if a Data Measure is defined for South in Region Hierarchy, the same Data Measure should not assign to any level below the South like Chennai or Secunderabad.


· Let us see how some of the changes made in the Data Measure Master are observed in the Forecast Plan.