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Classification in Forecast Plan

Classification in Forecast Plan

· Classifications have to be defined in Classification Master before selecting in the Forecast Plan screen.

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Classification.

Step 1: Define Classification

· Click on Add to define Classifications.



Class Id Class identifier.
Class Description Class description which will be displayed in the screen.
Class Type Type of classification that needs to be calculated.
Unit of Measure Unit of measure that needs to be used for this classification.
Period of Sales Period of history that needs to be considered for calculation.
Period of Forecast Period of forecast that needs to be considered for calculation.

· Once the Classifications are defined, user can add classification details by right click on the Class Id.


· User can assign values for the selected Class Id and define the Cut-off percentage for each classification.


Class Id Class identifier.
First Cut Off First cut off percentage which will be considered as A class items.
Second Cut Off Second cut off percentage which will be considered as B class items.
Third Cut Off Third cut off percentage which will be considered as C class items.
Fourth Cut Off Fourth cut off percentage which will be considered as D class items.
Fifth Cut Off Fifth cut off which will be considered as E class items.

· User can further add Forecast Classification Mapping. At which region in the region hierarchy classification has to be calculated is defined here.


Step 2: View result

· Go to Forecast Plan to view the result.

· Click on the Classification button to select the Product based on the classification made and also select the Region.


· We select Products from B, and C Classifications and Chennai as Region. Click Ok.


· The Tree structure now shows only products for B and C classification and only Chennai is shown in Region.


· Select any combination of Product and Region. The Forecast Plan is displayed.
