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Attributes in Forecast Plan

Attributes in Forecast Plan

· User can add two attributes while forecasting the plan, which are Product Attributes and Region Attributes. Both attributes have to be predefined in the Attribute Master.

Step 1: Define Attributes

· Go to Menu bar --> Forecast --> Masters --> Attribute Master.

· Click on add to define Attribute. The user can arbitrarily choose the name of attributes and add them.


· The Attribute added will act as parent to two child attributes i.e., Product Attribute and Region Attribute.

· Right-click on the Attribute Name to add the Product Id and Region Id.


· Add the Product Id and Region Id.


· Clear Cache once when the changes are made.

Step2: View Result

· Go to Forecast Plan to view the result.

· Click on the Product Attribute and add the predefined attribute in the master. Save it.


· Similarly, click on Region Attribute and add the predefined attribute.


· Once the Attributes are saved, the user can check the tree structure. Only the attributes that are defined will be displayed.


· Select a combination of Product and Region in the tree structure. Select appropriate Data Measures. The Forecast Plan displays.
