Work Order Operation Plan
Defines operation level status of work orders listed in work order plan. It provides information like quantities in various states, operation start and end times etc. This is generated based on operation resource during the creation of work orders.
Creating a Work Order Operation Plan
Field | Description. |
WorkOrderId | This is a unique identifier used to track work orders. These columns cannot be modified. |
RoutingId | Routing used by this work order. These columns cannot be modified |
Operation | This identifies the operation. These columns cannot be modified |
ResourceId | Resource assigned for this work order |
OperationSeq | Sequence of this operation. These columns cannot be modified |
JobStatus | Status of this operation whether it is pending, started or completed |
QtyPlanned | This is the quantity of items planned by this work order on this operation. This is the produced quantity after the yield calculation. These columns cannot be modified |
QtyCompleted | The total number of units completed at this operation for this work order. This is a cumulative value for the job. |
QtyRejected | The total number of units rejected at this operation for this work order. |
PlannedStartTime | Planned start time of this work order for this operation. This is populated only if the work order is scheduled. These columns cannot be modified directly. |
PlannedEndTime | Planned start time of this work order for this operation. This is populated only if the work order is scheduled. These columns cannot be modified directly. |
ActualStartTime | Actual start time of this work order for this operation. They can be entered directly. |
ActualEndTime | Actual end time of this work order for this operation. They can be entered directly. |
LPST | Latest possible start time of the order at this operation. If the order goes beyond LPST, it means that the order will be late. These columns cannot be modified directly. |
EPST | Earliest possible start time of the order at this operation. Order cannot be made earlier than this date due to material availability constraints. These columns cannot be modified directly. |
BucketDate | Date on which operation should start. These columns cannot be modified |
EndBucketDate | Date on which operation gets completed |
ActualDuration | This is the actual total time taken to complete this operation. This is used for actual cost calculation. |
Remarks | While making any changes to the work order, the user can specify the reason for the changes. |
WorkOrderId, operation and resource id combination should be unique.
QtyCompleted should be less than or equal to QtyPlanned
Changing to Alternate Resource
There could be a situation when
Work order has to be split and loaded both in primary and alternate resource
Work order which is loaded both in primary and alternate to be merged to one resource
In order to do the above, do the following
Select one of the rows from the work order operation plan
Click on the Split/Merge button
A new window will pop up
Add a new row if the work order has to be split by adding Resource, Quantity and Bucket Date
If zero is entered as quantity, then the work order on that resource will be removed