Backup Database

· The user can back up the data present in Database defined.

· Open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and go to File --> Connect Object Explorer.


· Select the proper Server Name in which Database is created/saved. Click on Connect.


· Expand Databases and a list of Databases appears.

· Right-click on the Database to create the Backup of that Database.

· Select the Backup from the Right-click options.


· A new window opens in which the user has to enter the Select Database and the Destination of the Backup file.

· Select the Database from the list of dropdowns available. The list shows the already created Databases.


· There are 2 Backup Types.

  1. Full – This will create a Backup of all data in the Database. This will take relatively more time to create a Backup.

  2. Differential – This will back up only the new changes made after the previous Backup. This will take relatively less time to back up.

· In the Example, we take the Full Backup Type.


· Once the Database Name and Type are defined, select the Destination of Backup.

· Click on Add button to define the Path of the destination.


· Enter the path of the destination and click OK.

· Once the destination of the Backup file is defined, click Ok.


· A message will pop up confirming the successful completion of the Database Backup.


· User can check the Backup Database in the destination.
