Updating Data
Each Screen in the UI contains five buttons as shown above. These buttons represent operations that can be performed with any data, namely Add, Edit, Save, Cancel and Delete.
The Add button allows the user to add data row-wise. Once the user enters the data in the add window, the Add button has to be clicked to save the data in the database. The user can use the TAB key on the keyboard to navigate across columns. All mandatory fields that are left blank will result in a red * or warning message allowing the user to input value again for the mandatory field as shown below
The Edit button can be used to make corrections to existing data on any screen. The User can do it row-wise/ in the grid itself. click on the edit button on the top right. The Datagrid will resize itself into edit mode. After making the change, click on the Save button. This will save the data in the database. In row-wise editing, the user needs to be clicked on the edit button showing in the Row header(After the row number). This will open ups the update window and the user can edit the data and click on the Update button. A confirmation message will pop up and clicking on yes will save the updated data to the database.
Pressing the Cancel button in any operation cancels that operation. This can be thought of as a rollback in action if the user hasn’t yet pressed the save button.
The Delete button deletes the data from the database for the selected row. Multiple rows can be selected and deleted. It will give a confirmation message before deleting the data from the database. Delete also can be done row-wise.
Cascade Update and Delete
Whenever the user deletes or updates data in a master screen, all the corresponding references to that particular record are also updated or deleted. Ex: If an Item I1 is deleted from Item Master, all references made to I1 including Bill of Material (BOM), Salesorders, Workorders, etc will remove that reference. Hence on delete of any row a warning is thrown to the user, and clicking on the No button rolls back the action