Data Grid

A Datagrid is a Windows component that provides a tabular interface to the user on any screen where data is displayed as rows and columns. A good example to relate to a Datagrid is a worksheet in Ms-Excelâ„¢. Once a user opens any screen ex: Sales Order, a Datagrid is represented as in the screenshot below:-


Icons on the top-right corner of any Datagrid

i) Add button: By clicking on img icon, Add pop-up window will show up and the user can add data into the Datagrid.

ii)Edit/Update button: By clicking on img icon, the user can update data in the Datagrid. Also clicking the same icon in the row header, will open up an update window and the user can edit the data in row-wise.

iii) Save button: By clicking on img icon, the user can save the updated data into the Datagrid.

iv) Cancel button: By clicking on img icon, the user can cancel the changes made in the Datagrid.

v) Delete button: By clicking on imgicon, user can delete selected row(s) from the datagrid.It will open up a confirmation window


By clicking yes on that the corresponding row(s) will get deleted from the Datagrid. Also clicking the same icon in the row header, the user can delete the data in row-wise.

vi) AutoFilter button: By clicking on img icon, the user can filter records in any column. Clicking on the AutoFilter button shows up a text box below each column header and User has to give a filter value in the column where he needs to Filter data. By pressing enter button the grid filter will happen and only the filtered records will be shown in the grid.

vii) Sort button: By clicking on img icon, Sort window will opens up.


Click on the empty box showing on the right side of the columns to be sorted. The order of columns will be the order of sorting. The User can change the order of columns that needs to be sorted by dragging the columns up/down. By default, the sort is ascending. To change it to descending, double-click on the box. Click on the Sort button to apply this sorting

viii) Export button: By clicking on img icon, Data Export window will opens up.


There are two options to export.

1)All Columns: This option will export all columns and data for the logged-in PlantId from the corresponding table

2)Visible Columns: This option will export all visible columns and data from the grid

Also, there are three options to select the file type. Data will be exported to the corresponding file type which the user clicked.

ix) Search button: By clicking on img icon, Search window will opens up.


By entering a keyword, we can search whether there are any matches on the screen. Option Start With/Contains/Match Whole Word can be selected for the given keyword search. If the given word exists, it will be highlighted with yellow color in the grid

x) Refresh button: By clicking on this icon img the user can refresh the screen. This will refresh all data for the screen. This functionality is useful to view the most current snapshot of the data, in a multi-user environment.

Right-Click on row headers of any Datagrid

Right-clicking on the header field of the data grid on any screen lists a group of functionality which are explained below:

i) Freeze/Unfreeze: Freeze option will allow the user to keep the columns visible when scrolling horizontally. Click on Unfreeze option will make the grid in the original view without freezing.

ii) Sort: Click on Sort on any column header will allow the user to sort the column data in ascending /descending order.

iii) Customize: This feature helps in displaying a selected list of columns or reordering the columns in the Datagrid, that are non-mandatory values For ex: in the Item Master screen, right-clicking on the row header of the data grid, and selecting customize will display as below:


In the above example, Item Desc, Uom, OrderingCost, CostUom, LastUpdate, and LastUpdatedUser are all non-mandatory columns that can be hidden if the information need not be displayed to the user. Click on the column and drag it to the hidden columns (Right panel). Click on Customize button, the window will be closed and the grid view will be changed according to the customized user has given. Click on Reset will make the grid the original view.

iv) Grouping / Clear Grouping: This feature helps in displaying the data group by the selected column value(s). Click on Group By on ItemMaster --> Type column will display as below:


Click on Clear Grouping will make the grid into the original view.

v) Sum of data: This option will display only for numeric columns.This will calculate the sum of values of the selected column and display it as below.


vi) Average of data: This option will display only for numeric columns.This will calculate the average of values of the selected column and display it as below.


vii) Filter: The filter option helps in filtering records on any screen. To create a filter, right-click on the row header and click on filter records.

The filter screen appears as below:


Click on the Add button. Give the Filter name and description. Click on Filter condition Select the column name, operator, and a value on which filter is to be created and click on the Add button. Click on Apply Condition. Click on Add button in the Add window


clicking the save button creates the filter. Multiple filters can be defined, and one of them can be set as a default filter, in addition to each filter having multiple join conditions, based on the join operator.


The Select Filter and Cancel Filter buttons apply/cancel the filter on the Datagrid