Chart Control
Chart control has been provided for all transaction screens and bucket-based reports like inventory report, resource load report and so on. The chart is drawn automatically on the selected rows. Multiple rows can be selected and the graph is drawn for all the selected rows. This allows for better comparison of data. Chart control can be opened by Click on button.The chart design window will open up by clicking
button showing in the grid header .The design window will be shown below.
Users can be given a Chart name and design the Chart by dragging the Column name(s) shown in the left top panel to Axis Fields and Legend Columns panel as shown below image:
Click on Save in the design screen will save the Chart and will be shown on the screen instead of the grid as shown below. One default Chart can be set for each screen and will be shown automatically when the user clicks on the Chart button.
User can see the datagrid by clicking the button
The following settings can be made to any Chart control by selecting one of the options
Properties General: To Change the Chart Settings
Chart Type: By default will be set to Column. The user can change the chart type to Line or Area by selecting the value in the Legend Field drop-down.
Show To All Users: Chart will be user specific.The default value will be False. By setting it as True, a particular chart will be shown to other logged-in users too.
Background Color: To set the background color of the Chart
Legend Position: By default the position will be right. The User can set it as Left, Top or Bottom by selecting the value from the drop-down.
Show Legend: By default it will be True. The User can hide the legend by selecting the value as False.
Chart Title: User can specify a name for the particular chart.
Title Color: User can specify a Color for the title.
Font Size: User can specify a Font size for the title.
Multiple Y axis:
If the value is True, multiple Y axis will be showing for legends as shown below.