Resource Load Report

For each resource, there is available capacity and used capacity. Available capacity defines the total working time available for the resource. This is based on the information specified in the calendar. Of this total working time, how much the resource has been used is given by used capacity. Resource Schedule Load is found by dividing Used Capacity by Available Capacity. This will calculate based on Planning results.

Resource Load = Used Capacity / Available Capacity

Viewing Resource Load Report

  • Select From and To bucket date. The bucket date populated here is based on the short, medium and long buckets as specified in the parameters.
  • Select the resources by clicking on the Select button.
  • Select either Brief or Detailed
  • Click on Generate Reports button

Brief Report

  • Brief report shows resource load for each bucket for all the selected resources.


On click of any individual resource from the left pane, a detailed report for that resource is displayed. To know more about the list of work orders consuming the capacity, click on the number in the same row as Used Capacity. A Data Grid will be shown at the bottom giving the list of work orders for that bucket. This is possible even in the above screenshot by clicking on the number in the same row as Resource Load.


To view the graph, select any row and the graph will be shown at the bottom for the selected row.


Detailed Report

Detailed reports show details for all the selected resources in the same window. On selecting any row, a graph is shown below. Multiple rows can be selected and the graph is drawn automatically for all the selected rows.


On selecting the Graph checkbox, the graph will be drawn automatically for the selected resources' Available Capacity and Used Capacity as shown below.
