Password Policy
· Admin can configure the Password Policy in this screen.
· Click on the Edit button to make the changes in the Password Policy.
· Below are the configurations in the Password Policy.
Past Password Block Limit: Number of passwords that are not allowed to be reused.
User Password Expiry Limits: The user's password will be expired after a certain number of days.
Admin Password Expiry Limit: The admin password will be expired after a certain number of days.
User can select if the password should be strong. A strong password should have at least 1 numeric character and 1 alphanumeric character.
User Account Password Length: User - Minimum number of characters required for the password is 'n'.
Admin Account Password Length: Admin-Minimum number of characters required for the password is 'n'.
Failed Login Limit: After 'n' wrong attempts account will be locked.
Failed Within Duration: The number of wrong attempts will be considered within 'n' mins.
Account Lock Duration: The account will be locked for 'n' minutes.
Admin Account Disable Limit: If Admin does not log in for the last 'n' days, the Account will be disabled.
User Account Disable Limit: If the User does not log in for the last 'n' days, the Account will be disabled.
Number of Login Attempts Per Minute: Maximum number of Login attempts allowed Per minute for a user.