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Planvisage API

The page provides a guide on using APIs for importing or exporting data via access tokens in the Planvisage Web Application. It details steps to generate access tokens, test APIs using Postman, and use API calls for pulling and pushing data in JSON format. It includes clear instructions for both export and import processes, along with tips on handling token expiration. The page also features examples of API requests and responses.

Planvisage offers a fast, lightweight API built on established technologies like HTTPS and JSON, following RESTful design principles. This API enables seamless data transfer, allowing you to import data from your existing ERP system into the Planvisage application or export data from Planvisage to your ERP system.

What is an API?

An API(Application Programming Interface) is a universal data format that allows apps to communicate with one another. APIs are used in backend development that returns JSON objects and can be used to retrieve and Push data. APIs do not have a user interface, so developers can use platforms like Postman to make calls and interact with or test their database

What should I do first?

1. Register for API - This generates a registration token.

2. Configure API - Add the APIs in the API configuration..

3. Get Access Token -Use the registration token to call the API and obtain an access token

4. Import/Export Data -Call the API with the access token to import or export data.